Daniel Dennett
Andrew Carleton University and 1 more
Not Available
Robert Nozick
David University of Arizona Schmidtz
Thomas Kuhn
Thomas University of Nevada and 1 more
Stanley Cavell
Richard Swarthmore College and 1 more
Alasdair MacIntyre
Mark C Georgetown University and 1 more
Donald Davidson
Kirk University of Florida Ludwig
Richard Rorty
Charles University of South Florida Guignon
John Searle
Barry State University of New York and 1 more
Charles Taylor
Ruth University of Kent and 1 more
Hilary Putnam
Yemima Hebrew University of Jerusalem BenMenahem
Paul Churchland
Brian L Pitzer College and 1 more
Alvin Plantinga
DeanePeter University of KwaZuluNatal and 1 more
Bernard Williams
Alan Thomas
Amartya Sen
Christopher W University of Maryland and 1 more